The benefits and misconceptions of motorized shades

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Without a doubt, every house has windows. These are one of the mist important parts of the house, just like doors. The windows help in keeping a good airflow in the house whenever needed. Moreover, the windows also serve as a good source for letting the natural light reach inside the house. Otherwise, the house gets suffocating and bacteria starts to grow.

Many homeowners agree that the window treatments are also a necessary improvement when it comes to ensuring privacy as well as cosmetic appeal of the house. you can select from various window treatments offered by any Blinds Company in Palm Desert CA. The window treatments are a significant part of the house since they need your investment. While the blinds and shades provide you the needed privacy, make sure that you protect these from getting damaged.

One of the best options for your windows are motorized roller shades. Here are some of the benefits and misconceptions about the motorized shades:

Benefits of motorized shades

The benefits of installing motorized shades on your windows are appended below:

  1. For convenience

Even though manually raising your shades is not that tough. However, it takes time and the task gets monotonous within a few days. Some windows are small and out of reach, for example, in the bathroom. You can look for Roller Shades in Palm Desert CA and get them installed to ease your day and stay convenient.

  1. Energy efficient 

Motorized shades help you in blocking the sun from overheating your house in the summer. Moreover, in winters, these shades allow the homeowner to allow natural solar heat instead their house and become less dependent on the HVAC system that can increase the energy bills.

  1. Protection against UV

The motorized shades do not just let you control your energy bills. But these shades also protect your house as well as your family from harmful UV rays. It also protects your furniture, wood floors and rugs from fading in the harsh and intense sunlight.

  1. Privacy and security

The motorized shades are very beneficial in protecting your home from unwanted people. No one can peak inside your house if you have your windows covered with shades and blinds. These shades also protect you and your family by ensuring privacy.

  1. Aesthetic touch

There are no hanging cords with the motorized shades. Therefore, they serve to improve the aesthetics of your house. in fact, if you synchronize the shades to lift and drop in unison, then it creates a wow factor and pleasing sight.

Misconceptions about motorized shades

There are a few misconceptions regarding the motorized shades that stops people from purchasing and installing them in their house. These misconceptions are discussed below:

Motorized shades cannot be installed in a finished home.

This is not true. Motorized shades can be installed even if you have a finished home. These shades are battery operated and good batteries run for up to 5 years. Moreover, the batteries are affordable as well. Motorized Roller Shades are available in Palm Desert CA and you can enjoy the service.

Their control is difficult

These shades are not difficult to be controlled. You can easily control them using a remote control or an application on your phone. You can even operate them using a keypad, or set them to run by the sunrise or the sunset.

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